Private parking management

Metering, indicating available spaces and detecting occupation of each parking space are just some of the possibilities for making daily management smoother.

Parking management offers several solutions and functionalities to respond to the complexity of the issue encountered. Generally speaking, this management can make vehicle traffic flow more smoothly, whether upstream of or inside the car park.

Detecting the presence of a vehicle.

Each parking space is fitted with an ultrasound sensor which detects the presence of a vehicle. The information is sent to the supervisor for a graphic display of the positioning of vehicles in real time as well as a vehicle count. The rate that spaces are filling up can therefore be known in real time.

Vehicle count

Another possibility is the counting of vehicles that enter and leave. This techniques means that the number of vehicles present or which have passed through a counting point can be found out at any time. This information can be sent in real time to road access coordination in order to make traffic flow easier at sporting events, for example.

For a car park shared by several companies or departments, this techniques allows a number of spaces to be allocated to each entity and only authorises access dynamically during the day until the quota is reached.


DinPark enables you to limit the misuse of parking in your private car park.

Entry is always free through the automatic opening of a barrier. Conversely, a key code is needed to exit. In order to ensure single use of this code, it is generated at reception or at the of the cash desk of the store concerned.


A link to a display at the car park entrance is also possible, so as to inform the public about the number of spaces available. Similarly, the number of free spaces for each floor can be specified to the driver.